Tutorial hour: 77th anniversary of the Great World War

Tutorial hour: 77th anniversary of the Great World War

Tutorial hour: 77th anniversary of the Great World War

Date: 11.05.2022

The purpose of the tutorial hour:

- Development of students' patriotism, as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the formation of professionally significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society, loyalty to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, high responsibility and discipline.


Fostering a tolerant attitude to the opinions of other people, the ability to work in a group, fostering morality and a sense of pride in their country and love for the motherland, readiness for respectful and careful attitude to historical heritage and cultural traditions.
Development of the ability to compare, generalize, the development of the ability to guess, the qualities of the mind: flexibility and logic, sociability, the development of the ability to draw conclusions, to present your point of view correctly.
Disclosure of the maximum creative potential of students
respect for universal values, rights and freedoms of citizens, correctness, tolerance, compliance with ethical standards.

Slide Show Presentation
Poster Contest

Criteria of the poster contest

1/ Content

2/ Design

3/ Presentation